Tuesday, May 29, 2012

For Your Tomorrow

I just finished reading a book, a true story, that was the most heart warming, heart wrenching, and touching thing ever.I have to talk about it. It was titled, as the blog is titled, For Your Tomorrow by Melanie Murray.


She tells the story of her nephew who was killed while on tour in Afghanistan. She tells us the story of his life from birth to death, from his struggles with discovering how he was meant to live his life, to finally getting it all together and juggling a new life with being on tour.


When you look at Melanie Murray’s picture on the back cover of the book, you’ll almost have a hard time believing that the woman could have written such a heart warming story. She looks unbelievably cold, but her words are so moving, warm, and touching. I actually had to read the book in little sections, because some of the things she talks about touched my heart so deeply, especially knowing the ultimate outcome.


I have two friends who are in the army, so this story is close to my heart as it is. Reading this book was a reminder to me to not take for granted what our soldiers do overseas. They don’t just go overseas to kill people, they have a far greater purpose than that. Her nephew described it in the book as a humanitarian effort, and for some people I think that word would be debatable, but I believe that many of the soldiers in their hearts feel this way, and that’s why they do what they do.


Since meeting and becoming friends with someone in the Armed Forces, I’ve tried to not take for granted what exactly soldiers do, and the risk they take. Even before meeting my two friends, Remembrance Day has always been a solemn one for me, I’ve always felt the weight of loss on my shoulders. Maybe it’s because my Opa fought in the war, maybe it’s because we’re constantly reminded of its significance the week of Remembrance day through the radio, TV, or all the poppies you can see being worn, but I can always remember it being a heavy day. Even though I’ve never been to a service. This causes an argument every day between me and one of those two friends, but I constantly remind him that just because I don’t go, it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what the men and women are doing. I just don’t go. It weighs on my mind all day. I can’t imagine standing among the people, feeling the atmosphere of the people there.. I can imagine it would be hard. Maybe I’ll go this year.


I would recommend this book to anyone, but I’d especially recommend it to those who either don’t know anyone in the Armed Forces, have never had family in the army/navy etc, or don’t necessarily agree with what happened in Afghanistan, or what happens in any war. Remember that there are those in the army who do have hearts, who do feel, and have a bigger reason for doing what they do that to kill. These people who risk their lives aren’t the only ones losing a life. They have people who potentially lose a father, mother, son, friend..well, you get the idea. Put everything else aside, and remember those people who join the army with a bigger picture in mind, and remember that they’re doing something that you’re not willing to do, and it’s a huge risk.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Inspiration

Hello readers!


Today is a bright and sunny day. I haven’t been outside, but I’m sure it’s warm! I’m so excited for summer you guys, it’s unbelievable. Not only will the stress of school be over, but it’ll be warm, and for those of us who are lucky enough to live in the sunny Okanagan, it’ll be time for fresh, LOCAL fruits and veggies!!!! To me, there is nothing like having fresh produce to enjoy. I enjoy eating healthy, and the lack of really fresh produce makes the winter months even longer than they already are. To me, there is nothing like having fresh produce to enjoy. I enjoy eating healthy, and the lack of really fresh produce makes the winter months even longer than they already are.


This thought came to me when I went to pull out some strawberries from the fridge. My mom probably got them yesterday from the grocery store, and they probably came from California. Don’t get me wrong, California produces some great strawberries, but you just can’t beat strawberries that haven’t travelled for thousands of miles.


This thought, lead me to think more about Easter, and really, how appropriate it is that it falls in the spring.


Good Friday represents something really huge. It’s a reminder that we’re forgiven, and it can represent a fresh start in our lives. It can represent the end of a cold, hard heart, and the move toward being a happier person, with the knowledge and reminder of our forgiveness.

Spring is the same, trees are beginning to open, the crocuses are blooming in full. It’s the end of the dead winter. Everything is becoming alive and new.


This new start, is Easter Sunday. Jesus has risen, and everyone can celebrate the promise of eternal life with Him and the Father.


Praise be to Him, for the suffering and the rising, and for the promise of eternal life. May we all experience a fresh beginning this Easter!





Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28, 2012

I’m too tired and lazy to come up with a creative title.


Anyway, I was having a thoughtful kind of a day a little while ago, and I started to think of the few people in my life who’ve had great significance in my life as late. There’s always going to be people who are in your life who aren’t necessarily your favourite people, but I always believe people are put in your life for a reason. Probably to teach you something.


I came up with a list of 3 people, who I will not name, but I wrote a sentence or two about what I’ve learned from each person. Depending on who reads this and how close they are to me, they may be able to figure out who these people are. It’s really unimportant though.


1. – Be genuinely kind to everyone. Always. Why? Just because. While you’re at it, stop being judgemental. Why? Just because. And really, we have no right to judge anyone for anything. That’s God’s place.


2. – Plant your feet strongly in God and His word. There is endless guidance and strength there. Be strong. Make decisions carefully, but when you make them, stick to them, no matter how hard it is.


3. – Have confidence in  yourself. Be who you are, and if other people don’t like it, it’s their problem not yours. Have dreams and aspirations and shoot for them. Make your life count. You only live once.


MY challenge for you? Think of certain people in your life that you really appreciate, and think of all the things you’ve learned from them. Then think of people that are in your life, that you sometimes question why you keep them around. Try and think of them without all your perceptions and dislikes of them, and think of who they really are. Who knows, you may come to realise that you’ve really learned something valuable from them.






P.S and TOTAL side note. Depending on who reads this, I feel absolutely terrible, but I’ve had no time for anything, so I haven’t been around to spend time with certain people. I AM REALLY SORRY. Know that I’m not deliberately ignoring anyone, but sometimes it’s just easier not to pick up the phone <3.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, Fresh Start

Happy New Year all! Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?


I don’t really believe in “resolutions” as such, but this year, my brain seems to be working overtime in terms of thinking about where I want my life to go, and what things I want to accomplish. Whenever I think of “resolutions”, I think of short term goals rather than long term goals. Maybe because resolutions only seem to last in the short term.


Anyway, I’m going to try to put all of my thoughts into a cohesive blog.


I’ve suddenly decided I want to take up piano again. I took piano lessons for quite a while when I was younger, and quit when I started to really hate it. I can’t remember exactly how long I took it and when I quit. It was a long time ago though. Anyway, my dad got the piano tuned for my mom’s birthday in December, and in January I really decided I wanted to start up again. I don’t exactly know what it is within me that all of a sudden wants to do this, but I’m just going to go at my own pace and go with the flow. I think I pinned down the other day why I ended up hating it so much. I think it ultimately came down to that I was always told how I was supposed to practice and what songs I was supposed to play and what scales I was supposed to do, and it started to really bug me. I hate having my ‘hand held’ when I’m learning, and I think I started to feel suffocated. If I work at my own pace, I will be free to play whatever I wish, and I can make my own goals and not have to worry so much about timelines etc. We’ll see how it goes, I’m off to a not-so-bad start. Hopefully I’ll play semi-regularly throughout the year.


The next one is kind of a tough one. I’m not even exactly sure how to put it into words.


Essentially, I’m going to try to be more open and honest. Maybe blatant is the appropriate word. It’s not that I’m a liar, but I have a hard time saying how I really feel, and asking for things. I keep many things to myself, and I’m not sure that it gets me anywhere. But I worry about being too upfront because I worry about pushing people away or freaking people out. I don’t worry so much about freaking women out, but I worry a lot about freaking guys out. It’s weird, I know. I’ve been trying to be more open for a while now, and it’s not an easy thing for me to do , because of course the more open you are the more vulnerable you are. But ultimately, it would be worth it, I think.

I think what I really need to wrap my head around is that if people can’t handle me being completely honest, and letting them know how I truly feel, then maybe it’s time to let them go. Letting people go is such a difficult thing, but maybe sometimes it just has to happen.

Yet I think of other people in my life who are getting in touch with me first more often than I get in touch with them, and after many years, they’re still doing it. So maybe I should stop keeping track, and just go with the flow? I hate being the “chaser” though, I always feel like I’m being super annoying.

I guess the whole idea about being really honest with myself and everyone around me is all linked to me thinking of who I’m surrounding myself with and who I really want in my life. I think of certain people right now that I do want in my life, but as of right now, I’m not quite sure what our relationship is. Are we really “friends” or are we merely “acquaintances” or were we friends once, and we’re now just in limbo?. To me, being “friends” requires communication (on both sides) of some sort. It can just be on Facebook, but there has to be communication. You should know what’s going on in my life (and want to know) and I should know what’s going on in yours. I don’t need to know your entire life story all the time, but checking up on your friends is important.


All in all, I have one minor goal in my life and one major one. Let me know any opinions and such, I’d like to know what you all thought, and any New Years resolutions you have Smile

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What’s filling my heart


   “I have questions for you…:

Do you think of me, when you least expect it- when you’re unwrapping a garden hose,

or tilting your face to the shower…?

And can you leave it at that,

or do you find yourself compulsively sifting through the memories?

If I had been the one to leave,

would you have written your heart out to me?”

Jodi Picoult- Mercy