Monday, October 4, 2010


So to anyone who has kept up to date with the postings, you'll know that when I started this blog, I had no idea why I even bothered. I never would've imagined that it would've given me the confidence boost that it has. I'm working harder and harder on speaking my mind, and letting people know how I truly feel, and lately, it has worked to my advantage. Not only does a person become more aware when they communicate, they have the potential to even laugh more. 

I'm starting to realize how much more I need to communicate, and it actually isn't as scary (in some cases) as I figured. Now, I even look forward to communicating!  (Some of the time anyway...)

However, there is still a small part of me that wonders why the heck do I bother? Nobody really cares do they? What do I have to tell people? Apparently, people do care, and I have more to tell than I actually realized.

I should probably further explain why communication isn't natural to me.

First of all, I'm just a quiet person. I'm not the loudest person in the crowd, not the first person you hear when you enter a room etc. I just wasn't brought up to be loud. Being an only child, I guess I didn't need to be loud. 

Second of all, by nature, I'm a listener. I love to listen to others, and help out when I can. I'm way more comfortable doing that, and again, for those of you who have read the previous posts, know that this is why I feel like I'm here. To be around when people need someone to vent to.  

 It's funny how often we think we're on the same page with someone, when more often than not, we're at other sides of the table. Which is why it's so important for people to talk to each other, and for open communication to happen. 

And to be truthful, I don't think I'm the only one who's scared to death of communicating. Of speaking their mind. It's a scary thing to let yourself become vulnerable. There's a high potential for the other person to judge you, and in the end, the person letting themselves be vulnerable feels like an idiot. That's so wrong. 

It's amazing how often relationships end due to miscommunication. You might think that you couldn't have been any more clear, but without clarification, how do you really know? Words can mean many different things, and to add to the complication, the way words are said and body language play roles in how things can be interpreted. Sometimes, what isn't said is also taken into consideration. Proverbs 16:22 says "Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly (recklessness) brings punishment to fools." In other words, when we understand the entire picture, it makes life a lot better, and when we don't take the time to clarify things, we are being foolish. 

But a lasting relationship isn't just about communication, it's also about being a good listener. Sometimes what makes communicating difficult, is when you're trying to communicate with someone who isn't a good listener. That person you talk to that doesn't quite hear you and jumps to their own conclusions, or doesn't quite understand the seriousness and laughs or is judgmental. It's situations like that that make communication scary. But we have to take the leap in order to find out who we can talk to about certain issues, and also to properly maintain a relationship. 

But I think the ultimate key to communication is being open and honest. Which is what I'm working on I guess. I don't know. I'm just working on communication in general. Life is too short to have regrets. Communicating shouldn't be one of them whether you spoke too soon or not enough. Live life how you want to, and based on what you think is important. Don't let people get in your way! 


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