I hope you find today's blog an encouraging one!
So I was on YouTube, and I happened to stumble across a video from Perez Hilton. Let me start off by saying that I do NOT like Perez Hilton, but what caught my attention was the title; "Adam Lambert: 'It gets better.'" I LOVE Adam Lambert. This video made me love him even more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_QVknV-M6U&feature=topvideos
Now, let me let you all know that as a Christian, I do not believe in being gay, but I am NOT going to shun someone because they are gay. I don't believe that God shuns ANYONE whether they are gay or not. I know there are Christians out there who will disagree with me and that's fine, but personally, I will not judge people that way. That's entirely up to Him. I am in no way good enough to even go there.
What I do love about this video, is that he's encouraging people to be themselves. He is focusing on the gay community (the video is in support of the Trevor project thetrevorproject.org), however, generally speaking, he's encouraging people to step outside the box and be honest with themselves no matter how hard it is. Because as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, it is not easy to be 100% who you want to be.
It's interesting to hear Adam say that people are 'afraid' of others who are different, and that's why bullies are who they are. I never thought of it that way, and it's a weird thing to wrap my head around. When I'm afraid of something, I just avoid it as much as I possibly can.
I guess the idea of fearing a lifestyle is what's so confusing to me. If someone chooses a lifestyle, how can you fear it? They aren't forcing YOU to live that lifestyle, so what's there to fear? Especially when it comes to being gay. I mean, I may not understand their lifestyle, but I definitely don't fear it. It's their choice, and really, it's not a big deal to me. Maybe it should be, but it isn't. How can I fear somebody sleeping with someone of the same gender? It's not a pleasant thought, but as I said, I'm not forced into their lifestyle, so I can't fear it.
"What you're doing by being who you are, is you're keeping it real, and you're being really brave." Isn't that the truth! It's so easy to look at the decisions people make, the lifestyle choices people make, and judge them for it, gossip about it etc. But what business is it of ours? We're not them, we don't know what's important to them, what they're values are etc. We may not agree with the decisions they are making, but why can't we just take a step back, think before we speak, and either let them be, or be an encouragement?
There is so much negativity around us nowadays. It's such a frustrating thing to live in a world with as much negativity as there is. I'll come right out and say that I'm not the most positive person all the time. There are a few things that will really get to me. But when it comes right down to it, I try to be as positive as I possibly can in all situations. Being negative is not good for you in any aspect of life. "You have to be strong, and you have to pay attention to the positive."
When you look at someone, there will always be a first impression. When you see someone you know, you'll have an instant impression from past experiences, things you've heard 'through the grapevine' etc etc. I have it to. It happens. It's human nature.
"There is so much more to me, than who I choose to sleep with." THAT right there is the kicker.There is SO much more to people than the decisions they make. Sometimes it's the decisions that make a person, but it's about taking the time to dig a little deeper and find out which one is which for a particular person.
If you understand what it feels like to be fearful of a lifestyle, I encourage you to overcome that. Stop attacking people because you fear their lifestyle. You're fearful of a gay lifestyle? How about you take the time to sit down with someone you know who is gay, and talk about it. Find out why they chose to become gay (I don't believe that a person is born gay, maybe ask if they feel that's how they were born), maybe ask how their friends/family feel about it. Dig a little deeper. Let them know that you don't necessarily agree with their lifestyle, and from now on, you'll try your best to overcome that.
I don't care who you are, but everyone has feelings that can get hurt. Everyone has something that will offend them. They may seem like the hardest people on the planet, but even the hardest person on earth has feelings whether they want to admit it or not. Stop thinking about only yourself for just one minute. Because that one minute can change someone's life for either the good or the bad.
Next time when you look at someone, and you get that first impression, if it's negative, try and turn it around. If it's positive, be thankful you have someone in your life you can feel positively about. Not everyone has that, and it's the cause of so many suicides around the world. We need each other. We need someone to watch our back, and to be kind to us when we need it. What we don't need, is people who put us down, and are just generally negative influences in our lives.
Be that positive influence. People around you will be thankful for it, and be more loyal to you. It'll be more beneficial to everyone around you, and it may even turn into something that people pay forward to others. Let's make life a better experience by overcoming the negative and bringing more positive.