Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Why, hello!

Here's a mellow little tune for ya :) 

So, I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately. 

Seeing the rainbow through the rain
I credit part of my low to the weather. I could really use some sunshine! I'm not really complaining about the rain though, but still, some sunshine would be good. 

I also credit part of it to the recent disaster in Japan. I know I can do nothing about it, and I didn't lose anybody to the disaster, but I still feel affected by it. 

Disasters like this cause me to do some serious thinking. 

Disasters such as these, will cause me to want to spend time with the people I want t re-connect with. Because it's disasters like these that will remind me that you don't know what God has planned, and you never know what tomorrow will bring. 

Along with re-connecting with people, it also causes me to think of my friends. I think of the people I wish I was closer to (re-connecting), and the people who I either feel negatively towards, or are negative influences in my life.

People are such a struggle. I'm always trying to see the good in people, and I keep people in my life even though I may think/know they aren't doing me any good. In fact, my ex boyfriend is the only person I completely kicked out of my life. It was the hardest thing I've done, but I haven't regretted it. I gave him an honest try at being friends, and he just couldn't respect me. So fine. I'm done. 

I realize that God is in all people, but what about those negative influences? Or those people who are abusive?

I'll save that for another post.

Another reason why I have such a hard time separating myself from people is because a lot of times, they turn out to be positive, sometimes influential people in my life. So I give people the benefit of the doubt for a while. If after a certain period of time things go from bad to worse, that's when I go "see ya later alligator". 

Another thing I remember to appreciate after a crisis such as this is to appreciate the little things in life. I have a list of things I consider "little things." My definition of "little things" are things that I've grown up with, or have always had. 

My first thing, is relationships, as discussed above. I don't know what I would do without the people in my life.

My second thing, is food. In fact, my mother just about threw out rice and I couldn't let her do it. She thought I was crazy. We're so blessed in Canada. There's such an over abundance of everything here, that we're so used to just throwing out what we don't want. It's absolutely ridiculous. I've been bad for this in the past, but I can't do it anymore. We are so spoiled, it's not even funny, and people are lacking. It's awful. Even though I can't do much about supplying food to people in Japan, or other people who are suffering, what I can do, is be thankful for what I do have, and use my resources wisely. 

My third thing, is the ability to go to church. I've never lived in a place where it was unacceptable in the culture to go to church. Living in Canada, it's something everyone is free to do without persecution. That, is unbelievable to me. I've taken this for granted pretty much my whole life. I can't imagine living in fear because of what you believe in. People around the world (mostly in places such as Iraq, although I'm not an expert on this) die for Christianity all the time. You don't hear about it very often, but it happens. To have this freedom, to believe what I believe, and still not go to church is almost embarrassing to me. But then it becomes going to church, and actually absorbing the message...which is sometimes a task in and of itself. Again, embarrassing, but all churchgoers suffer from it. 

From now on, the goal is to not take anything for granted anymore. Life is so short, and even though once I'm gone there will be no regrets, I still will have to face God, and I don't want to be ashamed in front of my Savior.  This is my challenge to you: think about the things you take for granted all the time, and stop. Enough is enough.

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