Hello all,
Before I begin, I'll start with a small introduction of myself. More information will come in later blogs. Probably.
I'm 19 years old, I've lived in Kelowna my entire existence, and I'm starting my second year at Okanagan College in the Business program on Wednesday.
There you go. A few basics for you. Now you're like "so....you have a blog...why?" Truthfully, I'm not sure yet. But I do have SOME reasoning to this madness.
My first reason for creating this account was to follow a friend of mine who also just started blogging today. Her reason for creating her blog? She's going to Australia, thought it'd be fun to post her adventures on a blog. (Shoutout to you if you are going to read this, I wasn't trying to copy! Just thought it'd be fun to follow your adventures!)
So I'm just going to tell you right now, I currently have no plans to go somewhere exciting like Australia, England, or any other country overseas.
So why did I create a blog? Honestly, I thought it could be fun. I mean, at first, I was like, "What do I have to tell people?" But after consideration, I began to wonder, does it really matter? Really, anyone can sit in front of a camera, talk about anything, put it up on youtube and people WILL watch it. The likelihood of people getting much out of it besides pure entertainment is slim to none, but it will be watched, and probably commented on.
Even as I wandered through the biography section in Chapters the other day, it hit me that biographies really aren't just for celebrities, or people of high importance anymore. Anyone can write about their recent divorce, their life as a Mennonite, or their past relationships, and people will buy their books. Some may not even think twice about who the author is. All that matters, is the content.
It's a strange thought to me, to feel important enough to put your life on paper for everyone to read. It's such a vulnerable thing to do, yet it seems like anyone can do it, and it's ok! I feel like I'm constantly censoring what I tell people, out of fear that people don't actually care, and therefore, there's no point in mentioning certain things. Which is why I almost regretted making an account for a blog, but then after doing it thinking, "ok fine I'll blog, but I just won't advertise it". What's the point of that? I may not feel like someone of huge importance but maybe one day I'll actually say something/write something that someone will find valuable. Which means that I should stop censoring, and just say what's on my mind.
So. I'm not going to promise that I won't bore you. And I'm not going to promise that my blogs won't be very long. What I hope to achieve, and not just with the blog, is complete honesty, and being completely me.
ah! emma! you shouted to me! yay! i am so proud of you! xoxo