Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28, 2012

I’m too tired and lazy to come up with a creative title.


Anyway, I was having a thoughtful kind of a day a little while ago, and I started to think of the few people in my life who’ve had great significance in my life as late. There’s always going to be people who are in your life who aren’t necessarily your favourite people, but I always believe people are put in your life for a reason. Probably to teach you something.


I came up with a list of 3 people, who I will not name, but I wrote a sentence or two about what I’ve learned from each person. Depending on who reads this and how close they are to me, they may be able to figure out who these people are. It’s really unimportant though.


1. – Be genuinely kind to everyone. Always. Why? Just because. While you’re at it, stop being judgemental. Why? Just because. And really, we have no right to judge anyone for anything. That’s God’s place.


2. – Plant your feet strongly in God and His word. There is endless guidance and strength there. Be strong. Make decisions carefully, but when you make them, stick to them, no matter how hard it is.


3. – Have confidence in  yourself. Be who you are, and if other people don’t like it, it’s their problem not yours. Have dreams and aspirations and shoot for them. Make your life count. You only live once.


MY challenge for you? Think of certain people in your life that you really appreciate, and think of all the things you’ve learned from them. Then think of people that are in your life, that you sometimes question why you keep them around. Try and think of them without all your perceptions and dislikes of them, and think of who they really are. Who knows, you may come to realise that you’ve really learned something valuable from them.






P.S and TOTAL side note. Depending on who reads this, I feel absolutely terrible, but I’ve had no time for anything, so I haven’t been around to spend time with certain people. I AM REALLY SORRY. Know that I’m not deliberately ignoring anyone, but sometimes it’s just easier not to pick up the phone <3.

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