Why hello!
It's been a terribly long time since I've blogged. Which does not make me so happy. But life has been insanity since about December 9th so having the time to blog....well there hasn't been any!
So I thought I'd start on one of my new topics for the blog!
I don't know how many of you have seen this/done this on Facebook, but there's a "30 day challenge" going on where you post a photo every day and there are questions you have to answer. I thought instead of doing one a day, I'd do one a week.
Here's a song of the day before you begin to read!
Here's a song of the day before you begin to read!
The topic for week one:
"A recent photo of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself"
It's not 100% recent but it's recent enough! |
1. I love to crochet. (Sounds lame I know but it actually comes in handy!)
2. I love music. A lot. My parents have told me that they used to put me in a play pen in the living room and then turn on the country music channel (my taste has improved I promise) and I would start groovin'. I still love music, (country well....it has its moments) and I will probably never be able to narrow my list of known artists down to one favorite.
3. I hate sports. With a fiery passion. I'm not coordinated that way at all, and I just get embarrassed.
4. Even though I hate sports, I took dance lessons for 11 years straight. I took a wide range of dances from Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop, and Highland.
5. I love to bake. Cooking, not so much. I could stand and bake for an entire day if I had the opportunity, but I find cooking more stressful.
6. I hate heights. With a fiery passion.
7. Winter is not my favorite season. The snow is pretty, but I hate the combination of being cold and wet. And this is what usually happens when you go outside in the winter.
8. I am an only child. How do I like it? I've never experienced anything else so I can't really tell you :)
9. I would love to travel to Africa. As sketchy a place that it is, I would love to see all the animals in their natural habitat! I think I would like to go twice though. One for a missions trip, and the other just for a vacation.
So that would be me in 10 facts. Hope you enjoyed it and learned something new! I challenge you all to join me whether it's on Facebook or a blog!
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