Hey all!
So I just finished my first book off my "100 books to read list" which is #50, Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Technically, as I am writing this, I have 21 pages left, but I'm technically done...right? I'll still finish it..but I'd like to get through the post before life gets insane (midterms a week from Monday! Ick!) and I forget what this was about/what I wanted to say.
So let me tell you, I wanted to give up on this book about 20 pages in. It is a very hard book to understand. In fact, I'm watching the movie to see if I can't get a better understanding on some parts of the book, specifically the very beginning and the very end. I am currently very confused with 21 pages left to go before I hopefully have some clarity.
Essentially, this book is exactly what the title says it is. It's a love story. The "love" part is in the foreground, and the "cholera" part is more in the background of the story.

In the story, there are really two main characters (at least in my mind...it's probably not accurate for all you English Literature nuts out there); Fermina Daza, and Florentino Ariza. Florentino is madly in love with Fermina, and throughout the first half of the book, he spends all his time trying to win her over. But then she gets married, so he realizes that he has to wait until her husband dies until he can be with her. But he thinks about her throughout the entire book. He becomes so lovesick a couple of times, the doctors think he has cholera, but in actuality, he is just lovesick for Fermina Daza. You feel like you're in a tug of war while reading some parts, because just when you think he's going to FINALLY get the girl, he doesn't, then he tries really hard again..and well, you get the picture. There is a lot of sleeping around in this book, and some husband-cheating-on-wives action too. I'm not giving away the end (mostly because I haven't finished it myself so I can't give it away..but also because I'm not into spoilers).
The plot in itself is pretty interesting, however, it's quite hard to follow. The book was published in 1985, so it's not that the English in itself is hard to understand, it's just in the way it was written.
So I would give it 3.5 stars out of 5. The book had some interesting parts, there was a span of about 100 pages where I couldn't put it down..but that's about it! Now I'm skimming through the last bit.
I would recommend this to people who enjoy reading books set in older time periods, and I think anyone who has taken English Lit and enjoyed a lot of what was studied in that class will enjoy this book. Anyone who shudders at the thought of English Lit should probably steer clear of this one! All in all, an encouraging first book out of 100!