Why hello all!!
First of all...a shout out has to go to all the people from outside Canada who have seen/read my blog! It's absolutely incredible to me that I have the ability to touch people from outside my very small circle! It excites me like you wouldn't even believe.
Again, I'm at a loss as to what to write about. I feel like I've used this blog to vent out all my negativity and there hasn't been many positive posts. Gee I'm boring hey?
What can I say? This is really the only place I rant.
So here's a little song to enjoy while you read. It's one of my favorites when I'm in a bitter mood. It usually makes me feel better :)
Something has been sitting in my gut for over a week now. I'll be honest, I've been a bit hesitant about writing about it, because there's a lot of negative feelings going on right now towards a specific human being of the male gender.
That's right ladies. You can breathe easy. This one isn't about you.
It astounds me how dumb boys are.
I know. Guys say the same thing about us.
But seriously.
And I seem to attract all the guys that have GREAT initial charm, then once you spend a little time with them, god forbid get attached , it's like the inner ass comes out for you to see. No more mister nice guy.
I haven't got the patience anymore for that bullcrap.
This is probably the 2nd time I've been really affected by the person of the opposite gender. I'll save the explanation of the first time for another post.
Briefly though, the first one made me realize how important it is to stand up for what you believe in. I thought I really understood that after my experience with him.
Boy was I wrong.
This time made me even more clear. In fact, I feel like stronger person because of it.
The stupid thing is though, I'm still hurt by the second one.
Even though he's given me all this strength to stand up for what I believe in, it's the judgment he put on me that hurt the most. Especially after I was nothing but supportive of him and his beliefs and aspirations. I didn't necessarily believe in all of them, but I still was there, I still listened, I never even pushed my faith and he still had the audacity to judge me.
OUCH. That smarts. Like pulling off a band aid really fast. But the pain still lingers. I'm probably way overreacting, but there's just something about the whole thing that seems unfair to me.
There is light at the end of this tunnel however.
I've never felt this strong in my faith.
Having the experience that I had with him gave me the understanding that if he can feel so strongly about what he believes, why the heck can't I have strong beliefs. Not only that, why can't I feel free to express them?
It's unfair to me that people can be vocal about their beliefs about abortion, war, same sex marriages and other controversial issues, but people who believe in God or religion have to be careful about what they say because they can't force their religion on people. I'm not saying everyone is like this, but generally, it feels like "religious people" have to be the most careful.
I think that bothers me the most. Experiencing this firsthand, it seems very hypocritical to me. For example, he can be very vocal about whatever topic he wants, but if I were to say anything about religion, you can bet he'd have something to say about it and that it probably would be something I didn't want to hear.
I do understand that it's not fair to force religion on people. That's not the way God want's "Christianity" to be. It's entirely a relationship which takes a lot of time and work.
But do know that if you're going to push your beliefs on me, that I will definitely be very vocal about my own. Especially when you offend me. That takes a lot of work. I'm a pretty tolerant person, but when you offend me, you've really offended me.
After going through what I went through, I feel like I now truly have the ability to be strong in what I believe in, and let no one get in my way.
But where's the line? When do we have to be careful when we talk about something like abortion? Is religion something that's considered "controversial"? Because I think controversial topics such as euthanasia or abortion go through cycles where one month all you hear about is same sex marriage this and marijuana use that, and then the next month we're on to something else.
But "religion" gets lost in the cycle. It's the elephant in the room so to speak.
I actually hate the word "religion". It really doesn't at all describe what it is to believe in a God who loves you despite circumstances that might lead you to believe otherwise.
It also makes Christianity seem like this "imaginary" thing. Like, "how is there a God if there's so much suffering" etc. Those are questions Christians themselves don't have the answer to. It doesn't mean that there is no God, it's just the way life is. If this world were perfect, heaven wouldn't exist. Adam and Eve changed the way Earth is from the very beginning. Unfortunately, it was just downhill from there.
It's about having faith that a God like The Bible describes can exist, and standing up for that, even though people will not believe the same thing.
So that's my mini-rant on God and religion for the moment. I'm very interested in your comments on this. Also, I'm very sorry this is so long! I just had to get it all out of my system :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Random funny video #1
Here's a video for all you Twilight haters.
And maybe for you all who may like Twilight..
And for those who are actually neutral about the whole thing.
Just a really really funny video.
The blogs URL is changing as of tomorrow to otherfunthings.blogspot.com as of tomorrow. Why the change? It just seems more fitting than emmajantz.blogspot.com
Enjoy your day!
And maybe for you all who may like Twilight..
And for those who are actually neutral about the whole thing.
Just a really really funny video.
The blogs URL is changing as of tomorrow to otherfunthings.blogspot.com as of tomorrow. Why the change? It just seems more fitting than emmajantz.blogspot.com
Enjoy your day!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Golden Rule
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is the Golden Rule for a reason. It's meant for you to look inside yourself, and then love others and therefore treat them, as you do yourself. Because hopefully, you love yourself (to an extent) and then treat others accordingly.
You have to wonder about those people with low self esteem issues.
And if you wonder about those people, you have to really wonder about those people who love themselves too much.
It astounds me how people can treat themselves like gold, and be so passionate about only the things that they are interested in, and then turn around and treat others like they shouldn't even exist.
How does that even work?
I get so frustrated when I find myself being treated poorly by others. Especially by passionate people. Because if you think about it, the people who are truly passionate should be the ones that treat people well. But a lot of the time, they aren't. They're too focused in themselves that when they do take a look at others, they only catch the things that they perceive to be negative. Then they take the quickest opportunity to call them out on their 'negative actions'.
What bugs me even more, is when the I have been nothing but supportive towards someone, and they turn around and treat me like crap. That makes me so mad. Don't judge me when I have been nothing but there for you.
It seems to me that we're losing touch of the basics. We're too focused on culture, the media, and even education. Things like education are important, but they can get in the way of the basic things of life. Not everyone in the world is blessed with the ability to become educated (I know this doesn't seem like a blessing, but it really is); and those people are relying on each other to get through every day. I can't imagine that people in poor countries treat their close friends like a pile of garbage. A lot of times, they're surrounded by so much death, they don't even think about saying something unkind to their neighbor.
I know I may have used an extreme example here, but I feel like I need to get this point across. It's so hard to fully understand how blessed we are and how good we have it, that we forget about the basics of life. Like our family and friends. The people in our lives that are there for us when the rest of the world isn't. Don't forget about those people. They're just as important as you are.
My goal? To be as kind to people as possible. Even those people who are jerks to me. Why? It's what God wants. For those of you who read the blog and don't believe in God, try to be kind to people anyway. Think before you speak. What goes around comes around, and things you say and do will get back to you one way or another.
You have to wonder about those people with low self esteem issues.
And if you wonder about those people, you have to really wonder about those people who love themselves too much.
It astounds me how people can treat themselves like gold, and be so passionate about only the things that they are interested in, and then turn around and treat others like they shouldn't even exist.
How does that even work?
I get so frustrated when I find myself being treated poorly by others. Especially by passionate people. Because if you think about it, the people who are truly passionate should be the ones that treat people well. But a lot of the time, they aren't. They're too focused in themselves that when they do take a look at others, they only catch the things that they perceive to be negative. Then they take the quickest opportunity to call them out on their 'negative actions'.
What bugs me even more, is when the I have been nothing but supportive towards someone, and they turn around and treat me like crap. That makes me so mad. Don't judge me when I have been nothing but there for you.
It seems to me that we're losing touch of the basics. We're too focused on culture, the media, and even education. Things like education are important, but they can get in the way of the basic things of life. Not everyone in the world is blessed with the ability to become educated (I know this doesn't seem like a blessing, but it really is); and those people are relying on each other to get through every day. I can't imagine that people in poor countries treat their close friends like a pile of garbage. A lot of times, they're surrounded by so much death, they don't even think about saying something unkind to their neighbor.
I know I may have used an extreme example here, but I feel like I need to get this point across. It's so hard to fully understand how blessed we are and how good we have it, that we forget about the basics of life. Like our family and friends. The people in our lives that are there for us when the rest of the world isn't. Don't forget about those people. They're just as important as you are.
My goal? To be as kind to people as possible. Even those people who are jerks to me. Why? It's what God wants. For those of you who read the blog and don't believe in God, try to be kind to people anyway. Think before you speak. What goes around comes around, and things you say and do will get back to you one way or another.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ideas please! Oh, and thanks!!!
Hello all my lovely readers!
I wanted to let you all know that it's really exciting for me to hear the positive things that I've been hearing about the blog. Too all my friends, it's really great that you guys are reading it and enjoying it! If you have anything you want me to write about...let me know! I'm open to whatever! (As long as it isn't too scientific or anything and I have to spend hours of my time researching because I have no idea what the heck you're talking about.)
As I've said on previous blogs, it's not easy to put yourself out there sometimes and say what's truly on your mind. So it flatters me that people would not only bother to read and find out what's really on my mind, but that you guys are liking it!
So today, I'm asking you guys for suggestions on topics. I'm having major writers block!
Also, should I do shout outs to people every once in a while like my fellow blogger and lovely friend Tyler-Rae? (Do check out her blog. It's fun to read! http://typeacenlove.blogspot.com/.)
How about posting a video of the week? Something from Youtube or some other site that I enjoyed, found interesting, or something to cause thoughts to ponder like my It gets better post? (see...October I believe..)
Did we like the inspirational lyrics post I did yesterday? Should I do more like that? (Maybe funny ones next time?)
How did you guys like the product review post I did? Let me know, I can do more of those as well!
I'll always post about random thoughts I'm having, random experiences I want to talk about, things like that. But when things are dull...I still would like to blog!
Give me your opinions and let me know..I'd LOVE to hear what you guys are interested in!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Inspirationals and Words to Ponder
Don't be shocked when people die,
be suprised
you're still alive
Cassie (acoustic)- Flyleaf
Everyone gets what they want too fast
these days
no one knows
the way to make things last
The Rock and the Tide- Joshua Radin
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
If today was your last day- Nickelback
And oh, I know you don't believe in me.
Safe in the dark, how can you see?
Weight of the world- Evanescence
Making every kind of silence
it takes a lot to realize
it's worse to finish than to start all over
and never let it lie
Perfect- Hedley
Do you want it enough?
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all..it takes a minute to see
Do you want it enough?
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all...
Do you want it or not?
I get it-Chevelle
I want to believe
In the light of a dream
Place that we go
World that we know
In the layer
In between
this life and a dream
In a place tied to past
I should've known that it never lasts...
Believe- Morgan Page
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all..it takes a minute to see
Do you want it enough?
Do you want it at all?
Should you need it at all...
Do you want it or not?
I get it-Chevelle
I want to believe
In the light of a dream
Place that we go
World that we know
In the layer
In between
this life and a dream
In a place tied to past
I should've known that it never lasts...
Believe- Morgan Page
xox :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hold the wheel and drive
First of all, a song of the day!
This is an artist whose album just came out last month I believe, and let me tell you, it's incredible! If you like Justin Nozuka's latest album, chances are you'll love Joshua Radin! His new album is called The Rock and the Tide. You should really check it out on iTunes but I'll post one of my faves on here for now. I'll probably post more in the future :)
I'll post more songs of his from youtube if better videos come up because this isn't the song I was hoping to post but it's still good nonetheless! So far, they're crappy or the songs aren't available :( (I was hoping to post song called the rock and the tide for those interested!)
I was driving to the mall, en route to my haircut, and I had a bit of a thought. I do a lot of thinking in my car by the way.
First of all, the colors are stunning this year aren't they? I love this time of year when the leaves are brightly colored.
Second of all. Driving is kind of like life.
How the heck did I come up with that? Allow me to explain.
I tend to look in my rear view mirror a lot when driving. And not to admire my reflection. I'm not quite that vain.
Sitting here thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure why I do it. But I'm constantly checking my rear view mirror. It really is a dumb habit to have, because really I should be focusing ahead. (I do focus ahead so don't go and think I'm a terrible driver, I just tend to take a lot of glances in my rear view mirror)
It's a lot like life. I tend to dwell WAY too much on the past. What's done is done. I need to start every day brand new, and forget about the mistakes I've made. I can't change the past. But for some strange reason, I have this habit of focusing on the past, to the point where I don't even know how to completely look ahead. I'm consistently taking those quick glances in my "rear view mirror" so to speak.
And I'm not sure how I can relate this to the experiences of life, but I hate tailgaters. Seriously. What makes me laugh is when someone who is tailgating you goes around you and hits the first red light and you're right behind them. TOO good. Karma's a bitch.
So what happens when we're speeding through life?
We don't take the time to "STOP and smell the roses." (Yes, I'm going to use one of those painful cliches.)
You know what we also forget to do? Stop and THINK. Or even God forbid RELAX.
We're so uptight these days. Myself included. There are days when I'm so uptight I can't even think straight. When I'm noticing this in myself, I try and stop, take a deep breath, and refocus.
Take right this very moment. I'm having a mini panic attack about tax homework and the tax midterm in two weeks. I'll be lucky if I pass the stupid thing. AND there's a yoga class at my church of all places tonight which I've been wanting to go to for AGES. My internal battle right now is whether to go or not. I haven't been to yoga in an embarrassingly long time, and it really would be good for me, but do I have the time? But then I think to myself, if I don't go, am I really going to do my homework anyway? Probably not.
It's difficult in school to not be up tight. Especially people like myself who put a lot of effort into everything they do. But even now, there are some things in my life that I absolutely refuse to stress about.
Last year, I stressed out way too much, and it wasn't healthy. I look back on it now, and realize that there might've been a reason I wasn't feeling well a good chunk of last year. Maybe because I overstressed.
I decided to prioritize the things I was going to "stress" about. And really, I decided that generally I was going to do less stressing and more living. It's still something I'm working on, but generally, I'm finding that it's working out. I'm happier, and I generally feel better.
Prioritize things that are important to you. Make a list that's either physical, mental or both. That way, when you're thrown a curve ball, you can decide "is this something I can deal with right now?" Because you can't do everything all at the same time.
Some people thrive on doing everything at once. That's fine, if you can handle it. But that's where the list comes in handy.
Top the list off at 10. And put the most stress on the top 3-5. Don't make a list of 10 things you'll stress about 100% of the time. Make a list of 10 things, and divide 100% of your time and energy into those 10 things.
So put say 30% into your first thing, 25% into your second thing etc.
I think doing something like this helps a person keep balanced. Otherwise, you have no idea where to focus your attention.
So. Take a moment. Don't speed your way through life. Figure out where your priorities are so that you can use your time to the fullest. Don't look back, just keep trucking forward.
This is an artist whose album just came out last month I believe, and let me tell you, it's incredible! If you like Justin Nozuka's latest album, chances are you'll love Joshua Radin! His new album is called The Rock and the Tide. You should really check it out on iTunes but I'll post one of my faves on here for now. I'll probably post more in the future :)
I'll post more songs of his from youtube if better videos come up because this isn't the song I was hoping to post but it's still good nonetheless! So far, they're crappy or the songs aren't available :( (I was hoping to post song called the rock and the tide for those interested!)
I was driving to the mall, en route to my haircut, and I had a bit of a thought. I do a lot of thinking in my car by the way.
First of all, the colors are stunning this year aren't they? I love this time of year when the leaves are brightly colored.
The field in front of my house about a month ago. It was so beautiful at the time, my camera didn't quite capture it though. |
Second of all. Driving is kind of like life.
How the heck did I come up with that? Allow me to explain.
I tend to look in my rear view mirror a lot when driving. And not to admire my reflection. I'm not quite that vain.
Sitting here thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure why I do it. But I'm constantly checking my rear view mirror. It really is a dumb habit to have, because really I should be focusing ahead. (I do focus ahead so don't go and think I'm a terrible driver, I just tend to take a lot of glances in my rear view mirror)
It's a lot like life. I tend to dwell WAY too much on the past. What's done is done. I need to start every day brand new, and forget about the mistakes I've made. I can't change the past. But for some strange reason, I have this habit of focusing on the past, to the point where I don't even know how to completely look ahead. I'm consistently taking those quick glances in my "rear view mirror" so to speak.
And I'm not sure how I can relate this to the experiences of life, but I hate tailgaters. Seriously. What makes me laugh is when someone who is tailgating you goes around you and hits the first red light and you're right behind them. TOO good. Karma's a bitch.
We don't take the time to "STOP and smell the roses." (Yes, I'm going to use one of those painful cliches.)
You know what we also forget to do? Stop and THINK. Or even God forbid RELAX.
We're so uptight these days. Myself included. There are days when I'm so uptight I can't even think straight. When I'm noticing this in myself, I try and stop, take a deep breath, and refocus.
Take right this very moment. I'm having a mini panic attack about tax homework and the tax midterm in two weeks. I'll be lucky if I pass the stupid thing. AND there's a yoga class at my church of all places tonight which I've been wanting to go to for AGES. My internal battle right now is whether to go or not. I haven't been to yoga in an embarrassingly long time, and it really would be good for me, but do I have the time? But then I think to myself, if I don't go, am I really going to do my homework anyway? Probably not.
It's difficult in school to not be up tight. Especially people like myself who put a lot of effort into everything they do. But even now, there are some things in my life that I absolutely refuse to stress about.
Last year, I stressed out way too much, and it wasn't healthy. I look back on it now, and realize that there might've been a reason I wasn't feeling well a good chunk of last year. Maybe because I overstressed.
I decided to prioritize the things I was going to "stress" about. And really, I decided that generally I was going to do less stressing and more living. It's still something I'm working on, but generally, I'm finding that it's working out. I'm happier, and I generally feel better.
Prioritize things that are important to you. Make a list that's either physical, mental or both. That way, when you're thrown a curve ball, you can decide "is this something I can deal with right now?" Because you can't do everything all at the same time.
Some people thrive on doing everything at once. That's fine, if you can handle it. But that's where the list comes in handy.
Top the list off at 10. And put the most stress on the top 3-5. Don't make a list of 10 things you'll stress about 100% of the time. Make a list of 10 things, and divide 100% of your time and energy into those 10 things.
So put say 30% into your first thing, 25% into your second thing etc.
I think doing something like this helps a person keep balanced. Otherwise, you have no idea where to focus your attention.
So. Take a moment. Don't speed your way through life. Figure out where your priorities are so that you can use your time to the fullest. Don't look back, just keep trucking forward.
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