Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bliss Moment #1

Welcome to Bliss Moment #1! 

I'm writing this and not feeling very "blissfull." Oh well. C'est la vie! 

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, see the previous post. There it will explain what the idea is behind "Bliss Moments". 

So, getting on with it; the first bliss moment is....

Noticing a piece of gum on the ground before stepping on it. 
(I told you they were going to be basic...) 

This piece of good fortune and totally awesome thing happened to me about a week ago, (yeah yeah it's taken me a while okay? Don't judge.) My mom and I went shopping, and as I was getting out of the car, I happened to notice a piece of gum a couple of inches away from where I was going to place my foot. I was very happy to be paying attention, otherwise I would've suffered the misfortune on stepping on the sticky, gooey substance! 

I don't know about you, but one of the most annoying things in the world is stepping in a piece of gum. I hate that feeling of your foot sticking to the pavement, even if it's only for milliseconds! 

And that was my moment of bliss! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Introducing...Bliss Moments.

So I want to just write a short introductory post to a new thing I'll be doing. 

So basically, whenever the urge strikes me, I'll be writing of things that make me happy, or are just generally awesome. It was actually suggested that I do this a long time ago, but I really didn't know what that would mean for me until just recently. 

If you've ever heard of "The Book of Awesome", it'll be something similar to that. The Book of Awesome is also a blog, which I highly encourage you to check out. It's absolutely fantastic, and it'll give you a glimpse of what I will be trying to accomplish with "Bliss Moments". 

Look forward to a Bliss Moment soon! (Maybe even today, we'll see what happens!) 


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Book #7 & #8 Reviews

Hey all!

I've been getting behind on the book updates, and I haven't actually blogged in forever, but here I am with a couple book reviews! I'm trying to get myself back into actually blogging, so hopefully I'll get on that and put one up soon! 

So, on to books!

Book #7 is a book called The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold. It's a very depressing story, and it's a book I would not recommend reading right after reading The Flying Troutmans; which is what I did. It started to become too much, and I actually found myself having to read The Almost Moon in parts. I have actually tried to read this book before, but couldn't get past the first few pages. 

The first chapter of this story tells the gruesome tale of a woman killing her mother. It's a disturbing way to start a story, and it made me wonder if I should bother reading it to the end. I decided to give it a chance though, and I ended up being disappointed. 

The next chapters follow her life after the murder. You'd think to start a book with such a disturbing beginning would be bad enough, but the story just gets even more disheartening as it continues on. 

There are some authors that can write dark and disturbing stories and make them bearable, and Sebold succeeded in that with The Lovely Bones, but she failed to accomplish this with The Almost Moon. I can't even imagine thinking of a plot like that. 

If you like dark, bland tales, then this is for you. If not, steer clear. Choose The Lovely Bones instead. The Lovely Bones is another dark tale, but it's a really well written book that I thoroughly enjoyed sinking my teeth into. 

The next book is #2 in a trilogy by Stieg Larsson. It's called The Girl Who Played With Fire. I read the first book (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) before I decided to start the 100 books in 1 year challenge, and also while I was in school. Which was a big mistake. These books are incredibly addicting, once you get into them. It takes about 200 pages or so to get really addicting, but once you get there, it's hard to put them down.

It's hard to even describe what this book is about. The novels are very suspensful, and very complex. I'm currently on the third one (the second one ends with a cliffhanger, so I went RIGHT into the third one!) and I would definitely recommend them for summer reading. 

If you enjoy books with complex plots and many characters, I would definitely recommend this for you! Give them a try, you won't be sorry. 

Happy Reading! 